Saturday, November 21, 2009


As the time moves on, the life goes on
Slow and steady, knowledge grows on

Veil of ignorance, gradually removed
The hardships of world slowly proved
Often in obscurity, the death close on

Winds sweeping the efforts with dust
Even hardest metals collapses to rust
The stature of self, the pride mows on

Grief and misery somehow get erased
If accepted with smile, will be praised
With perseverance, strength shows on

Burden of responsibilities weigh much
The sulks and the sighs no use as such
Load’s easy when the smiles tows on

Ambitious wave breaking by the rocks
Luck escapes when misfortune knocks
Even rapidity of the triumph slows on

As incomplete conquests often haunt
And the unfulfilled desires also daunt
Yet in unsure ambiance hope glows on

The breach amidst reality and fictions
Traversing thro’ many contradictions
Quite a few thought in mind flows on

Often creating the waves of tranquility
That creates the scenario of ambiguity
But then its secrets, the soul knows on

Yet first one needs to seek it through
Comprehending that is false and true
Only if celestial blessings bestows on

But the route is boundless and infinite
And in this process there is no respite
That divinity will always compose on

Monday, November 16, 2009


An eternal lifetime submerged in moments
Without remarks or without any comments

A question unanswered, a puzzle unsolved
Seeking which all the great minds revolved
And for which even many theories evolved
Still the ultimate truth remains unresolved
Due to which the confused souls torments

From birth till death everything scheduled
The forces of luck just can not be ridiculed
By the energy that are governed and ruled
And to which all are inclined and drooled
But in vain escapades of few souls laments

In a tryst to frame the future from the past
With the successes and failures to contrast
Here fictions quite normal, truth is aghast
Wonder to the limit the soul’s going to last
Through the routes where the steps advents

To reach up to all the places that's destined
Freeing away from dungeons that confined
Also from desires and wishes that inclined
By conquering self, this life can be defined
As thro’ this the peace of soul supplements

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Desired by all, yet difficult to harness
Something that leads to the calmness

Of one’s soul, heart and also of mind
But first one needs to be determined
Freeing all the wishes that’s confined
To know that the destiny has defined
Enlightening self thro’ the darkness

A life on edge with ecstasy and thrill
From depth of sea to the peak of hill
Venturing them with spirit and skill
Subduing trouble that’s rising uphill
Sensing victory by defiant madness

Along all seasons that comes in life
With a feel of ignorance at times rife
That needs be cut by a wishful knife
For gaining peace from all the strife
Winding grief to remove dampness

With astute faith rekindling all hope
For the escape there is always scope
Still determination you need to rope
To hold on and then glide the slope
To attain happiness from the sadness