Saturday, April 25, 2009


Often through open eyes I get lost in abstracts
Plunging into vision that attracts and distracts

Finding myself submerged in absurd thoughts
Traversing beyond the boundaries and spots
Indulging again in encounter with the despots
Eventually trying to escape from ties and knots
By freeing myself from the deals and the pacts

With unnerving courage conquering desires
Dealing with emotion that suddenly backfires
Burning the heart and soul in enflaming pyres
In search of peace, my heart always inquires
Trying to know about the realities and facts

Assuming as if floating amid the earth and sky
Sometimes inculcating the desire to fly high
To reach for the moon and stars I wish to try
Fearing failures will make me grieve and cry
Trying to look for the right routes and tracts

The desires seem to change, wishes altercate
But not always your destiny depends on fate
Way to your aspiration your effort will create
Don’t let faith and determination dissociate
In order to succeed properly gather your acts

Neither be discouraged nor lose your hope
Even in most absurd situation there is scope
Often in difficulty, your nerve will envelope
Walking up is tougher than down the slope
Your real identity, the time and tide extracts

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