Sunday, August 30, 2009


There is going to be this place down the sky
Where my thoughts and imaginations will fly

Submerging my soul with nature’s architect
A place for my shelter, I am going to erect

And also see to it that its foundation’s good
Building it with the stones, rocks and wood

Safeguarding me from the heat and the cold
A kind of place where the happiness unfold

Seeking pleasure in the chirping of the birds
Trying to convert it into language of words

Breathing fragrance of blossoming flowers
Their aroma soothing the soul in wee hours

The sun and moon, my guests will become
When one will leave, the other will come

During night, I will see the stars sparkle
Thro the ceiling over pillars of my castle

And even feel the cool gentle breeze blow
While in its rhythm the clouds will flow

And finally settling down over the dome
As that is the shape of roof of my home

Again breaking into the fog, mists and rain
Coming down and taking away all the pain

Often again a rainbow will emerge over here
With its vibrant colours my house I’ll smear

Enjoying the atmosphere from dusk till dawn
As over this place my real pleasures beckon

Such of a kind will be my perceptions regime
Wish I could rule over this castle of my dream


Meenu Sahni said...

Good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feeling great to know that !!!!