Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The love at first the sight
Suddenly the next instant
Just transforms to hatred
Emotions never constant

Often the right thoughts
Ends up by being wrong
That seems simple, sober
In real are quite defiant

So one has to learn a lot
Avoiding overconfidence
Certainly it makes sense
Think twice of judgement

Better to have patience
Not jumping to conclusion
And this way many a loss
Is rather easy to prevent

Friday, June 24, 2011


Moments flashes by with lightening speed
Unable to cope up, the delays just exceed
And all that been wished almost achieved
Remains now only time which I really need

For moments hard to clinch, just cruise by
And how hard I chase, never able to lead
Hence the instant of time remains ahead
And I keep on lagging as it always proceed

Always fall short of the expected duration
This weakness of mine, I have to concede
As the routine of mine never gets punctual
Also the schedules often seem to recede

For I am being kept busy, busy for nothing
Nothing to accomplish and nor to succeed
Coz I want to lose myself and escape time
And of my engagements I want to be freed