Thursday, April 29, 2010


It neither for the wealth, it nor for the fame
The infatuation for words, you must blame

Submerging into emotions, so as to rhyme
And the feelings evaporate, gently sublime

Then rising again at the back of the mind
Where the whole of vocabulary is confined

Escaping again in the ambience of elation
To grasp for my sentences a worthy relation

Inking thoughts and imaginations on paper
Sitting for hours besides the burning taper

No glee or regret or nostalgia of gone past
Or anxiety of how long future the will last

Living up to the fullest in the present today
Thus if not me, my reminiscences will stay

Thro’ all the phrases and sentences written
For they gonna get all the readers smitten

Welcome break from harsh bitter true life
Immersing in ecstasy away from the strife

A daydreaming fancy unlike the insomnia
A humble attempt thro’ my poetic insignia

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Whenever the sky is shaded dark
My view’s attracted by the spark
As I’m sitting behind the window
Pleasing self towards its dim glow

I don’t care from where it arrived
Even though of it I am deprived
I hardly bother or I’m concerned
But suddenly this feeling turned

As this light reflected on wealth
The heart infected with stealth
And going jealous and envious
I’m overtaken by evil conscious

Unable to endure others glory
This seems to be a bitter story
That you hate and you’ll detest
As you only want to be the best

And being behind that window
I wish I could learn and know
This sudden switch of emotion
Creating within the commotion

For this human nature strange
Into an awkward way change
And feelings aren’t consistent
Hard to judge one’s sentiment

For the same window and light
Just due to the change of sight
Changed the opinion and view
As inner peace turned eschew

As I was quite happy and glad
But resentment made me sad
Now I look up to the same light
In order to brighten my insight

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Earth! The realm of life’s essence
Hope it doesn't turn to reminiscence

Struggling to survive the changes
Since its own existence estranges

Due to the continuous depletion
Of ozone layers barring radiation

Burning down the ground below
As the hot winds rises and blow

Making the clouds vanish away
As heat gets awful during the day

The dry eyes searching for rains
If only we learn from the pains

Resisting the damage that we make
So as to save us from the stake

Of the disaster and destruction
That may lead us to extinction

So to save us let’s save the trees
And try to conserve the energies

Saving the water and the forests
For on them our survival rests

Up against earth's exploitation
To protect from nature's indignation

Every small initiative is worth
Towards protecting life on Earth

So let's get aware and pledge today
To save Earth on eve of Earth's day


I’m someone, but then I may be anyone
Who among the mirage seek real image
So as to be able to focus on exact vision
Like finding apt word from the verbiage

That may be arcane and sesquipedalian
Defining me in an exiguity yet to edify
Thro’ a puerile manner to antediluvian
But sometime the wisdom may stultify

For like the dust my persona rises high
As the vociferous storms will burgeon
But settle down as breezes stop to fly
Burying down in the deepest dungeon

Yet manumitting self from captivation
Providing an arriviste to my character
Acquiescing along all of the allegation
And also exalting my skills as an actor

Vivifying the multifarious role offered
Yet often the paucity shadows the act
My part may be blamed or honoured
Of which present nescience is the fact

This life is desultory and sporadic too
But about it, I am left into a nescience
Maundering along, nothing to pursue
Only if there’s existence of prescience

Still life’s recondite and I’m insouciant
With a sense of plethora of rhapsody
Yet one’s self insight is predominant
But for myself, I’m always Mr. Nobody

Verbiage: excess of words
Arcane: understood by only few
Sesquipedalian: a long word which may have many syllables
Exiguity: brief
Edify: improve
Puerile: childish
Antediluvian: extremely old
Stultify: appearing in a foolish way
Vociferous: loud, noisy
Burgeon: grow rapid
Manumitting: fleeing from captivation
Acquiescing: accepting
Vivifying: enlivening
Multifarious: varied
Paucity: insufficiency
Desultory: aimless
Sporadic: random, instantaneous and erratic
Nescience: insufficient knowledge
Maundering: wandering aimlessly
Prescience: knowledge of events before they take place
Recondite: difficult to understand
Insouciant: indifferent, casual

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Death! Thou art armor around me
Weathering the coat of tranquility
Protecting me as you surround me
Extirpating self into the obscurity

Many a times, I am dying to live
But then actually I’m living to die
If only this truth I could perceive
That everything I have to leave by

Death! Thy advent slow and firm
Thou always take me by surprise
By closing upon my worldly term
Evincing me of my final demise

As a brittle corpse, I’ll enshroud
Abjuring self of every possession
On my soul the death will cloud
Freeing me of worldly obsession

Death! Thy reasons quite profuse
From thee just no one can escape
As one day thy life gonna excuse
Your soul to an eternal landscape

For thee is the wait of ignorance
Blended in the desire of cupidity
Death! Thy mystery let me sense
And try to get over my stupidity

Death! Thou art a kind a platform
From where I can launch my dream
And my whole life I can transform
Thro' the grief, hope will gleam

Making me pursue and find peace
As I feel safe and get the courage
Thro' thee all my pains will cease
And I'll gain the optimum leverage

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Its only one day that must not turn to two
For the moments beyond I wanna eschew

And in that day feeling the life to eternity
Making it look like almost out of the blue

Converging the ages and the experiences
Within twenty four hours, if they’d accrue

Submerging in hell and heaven’s passion
A kind of divine delight I yearn to intrigue

Glee and misery jointly I want to perceive
And upon self instantly spread their hue

I don’t want to wait for luck and fortunes
My destination, my efforts gonna pursue

Fulfilling all dreams, desires and ambition
Same day settling all the deeds revenue

Finalizing all the profits and losses of life
Leaving nothing to balance, none for due

Nothing to think of and nothing to decide
The track of my life I don’t want to askew

And during the day my verve won’t cease
Throughout the day, hope too will continue

For in a flash, experiencing whole of life
Same instant as I’m greeted, I’ll bid adieu

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Life is a game and I am playing my part
It is an intrinsic science and a frisky art

Where one has to exhibit and perform
While characters improve and reform
Throughout one’s identification chart

Decisions unsure about wins and loss
As pretentious essence softly emboss
With risk that real identity may thwart

If sagacity persist and gets one aware
The truths and facts one won’t share
And entire burden on self would cart

At times I’m wondered and surprised
About mood getting excited or poised
And the image that it reflect or impart

Often trying to rush towards the goal
To capture the moments on a whole
Towards the right route I need to dart

Rewards and trophies that’s desired
Often slipped, at times are acquired
Quite an effect upon life they impart

It’s like a voyage that never ever ends
Here with sorrows, happiness blends
And where it’ll end, it gonna again start

Monday, April 5, 2010


Battered and shattered by a timeless phenomenon
Amidst again attempting to rejuvenate the persona

By igniting a brusque flame to enlighten up a hope
To overcome the murky surrounding thro’ a scope

And if the efforts succeed they would then beguile
Due to which the hardships incurred would conceal

A rendezvous with the destiny, if could be planned
For which the stretch of gleam need to be spanned

Cascading a renaissance of lost spirits and courage
Ensuing one’s intuition for achieving self leverage

As failures are lessons that gonna guide to success
Again the murky repercussions should not obsess

Even though often the impediments causes strife
Which you’ve to accept anyhow and this is the life

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Loneliness kills as its venom spills
Inside the heart reaching to the soul
No cures neither capsules nor pills
Life seems confined in a casserole

Retreating into a smoky ambiance
As sentiments and emotions burn
If only one can escape the chance
And get rid of worries and concern

Breaking the silence of thoughts
Where whispers roar into thunders
Through vivid scenes and plots
And dreams and desires meanders

Turning isolation into inclusion
As melancholy twirls into ecstasy
Providing peace to one’s intuition
Guiding life into a euphoric fantasy

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Fools are somewhat like the buds
That blossom into the flowers
Then spreading their fragrance
That lasts only for a few hours

Then they vanish all of a sudden
Still their scent is quite pleasant
That fills the minds with ecstasy
Even though brains seems vacant

As the senses evaporates fast
Even their odours sublimes soon
Wisdom is blocked all through
Towards intellect they’re immune

As on them no treatment works
Because their source isn’t traced
And quite a few examples they’ve
The fool’s flattered when praised

Again trying to name a few more
They accept undue rewards and fame
And seem happy and fool around
Wonder they don’t have any shame

Often we’re in habit of self praise
Most of us try to be clever and wise
No one just wants to accept the truth
Own intellect one never assess or revise

Their reason of pleasure is also queer
Laugh and muse at failures of other
And act overconfident and over smart
But of the own losses, they hardly bother

And it is over these wise fools
That my psyche amuses and drools
And doing this I am a fool no less
As to wisdom even I don’t have access

Let’s amuse on our mistakes and folly
So that our hearts are light and mood’s jolly
And if I am not clear as to what I wanna say
You may take me as the FOOL of the day