Thursday, September 24, 2009


Aabra ka Daabra and Gilli Gilli Choo
If only these magical words were true

Upon the winds, I would take the ride
Then with breezes I would again glide

Swim across seas, and in oceans dive
As the hidden desires will come alive

I’ll try to hang and cling to the cloud
And due to this feat I’ll feel so proud

I’ll flash as lightening, roar as thunder
Amazing everyone of all my wonder

Like falling rain, fill rivers and lakes
Drop as the dew, pour as snow flakes

From mountains and hills, I will leap
Up the sky, among the stars I’ll creep

And quietly try to reach to the moon
Take it away and even darkness soon

By pulling and bringing upon the sun
This way the life will be so much fun

Things will occur as I wish and desire
As all the super powers I will acquire

Bidding all worries and tensions adieu
By Aabra ka Daabra, Gilli Gilli Choo

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Of all the pastimes and of all the leisure
This one I quite relish and even treasure

It’s a route to return to one’s childhood
An experience so nice and just so good

Being near to babies, meeting their gaze
And exciting them, imitating their ways

Trying to know of their smiles and cries
By reading the expression of their eyes

The way they move, the way they turn
Amount of attention they tend to earn

Seeing them shaking and also clapping
The grief and tensions take a swapping

Getting submerged in their flash of joy
For in their company, one always enjoy

And letting your fingers into their fists
Their grip’s almost as soft as the mists

By losing into their infinite expressions
Just can’t come out of the observations

It’s feeling the paradise being with them
Their complete craziness, total mayhem

Their noises, the giggles and the voices
The heart loves, even the soul rejoices

They are so sweet, sweetness emitting
It’s the divine pleasure of baby sitting


Like a locus, as a point, almost directionless
In confusion, I am standing quite motionless

Now neither the tears and nor do the smiles
In the absence of which, I’m bit emotionless

The colour of the face, shaded as pale white
Again makes the look too as expressionless

The figures of the losses and gains tumbled
And numbers aren’t whole, yet fraction less

The vanishing strength of the departing soul
Gradually turns the whole body, action less

Feelings sublime as the emotions evaporate
Even the warmth of heart turns passionless

I have tried to get rid of all my belongings
Now all that remains is almost auction less

Chances gone and the opportunities slipped
Without alternatives, I am left option less

But rough routes can’t obstruct the journey
The passage that life follows is frictionless

Monday, September 21, 2009


The narrow crescent streak light proclaims
Desirous festivities within hearts enflames
Thro’ the warmth of prolonged sustenance
With the happiness and pleasure immense
That being blessed our efforts did succeed
This is now proved with the advent of Eid

Like the dawn breaks with the light of sun
For thanksgiving and prayer they summon
As to this voice all our steps tend to abide
With prospects to sanctify heavens decide
Awaking to the truth, our conscience lead
And its time to be together to celebrate Eid

Expressing our gratitude with folded hands
With vain efforts all the devils reprimands
And from them we seek shelter and refuge
As benevolent blessing shower and deluge
For the good followers generosities exceed
And it is for them, this festival of the Eid

Without differences, everyone come close
Embracing and hugging friends and foes
While wishing for the well being of others
An occasion to learn and live like brothers
Forgetting about the castes and the creed
It is a divine opportunity during the Eid

And behold all the world watches in awe
As together we stand and together we bow
And it’s a boon to our strength and unity
As belief’s been steadfast since antiquity
Over all odd faith triumph and supersede
With a sense of realization on eve of Eid

It’s an event very simple yet magnificent
And its arrival is so splendid and eminent
Teaching equality, brotherhood and love
This fiesta’s sent from the heavens above
And to this now the whole world agreed
For it seems every one is celebrating Eid

Friday, September 11, 2009


Taking a lengthy walk along the nature
Trying to smear within its vivid texture
In an effort to guess the various gesture
Converging ideas towards this juncture

Attempting to paint them in the canvas
With the feelings both thin and viscous
For trying to portray the magnanimous
A creation of God, gentle and sensuous

Making my hands to hold on the brush
Moving it into a fragile rhythmic rush
Sketching on which, falls all the crush
Holding the breath, heartbeat in a hush

On the paper starting with silken hair
Drawing the lines with the gentle care
Almost blowing in direction of the air
For it plays a very vital part in its flair

The pen moves again to make the face
Elegantly traversing with gentle grace
Sketching down forehead and the eyes
The picturesque inspired from sunrise

Adjoining further the cheeks and chin
Towards creating an ideal mannequin
Again about the ears and also the nose
Its softness almost similar to the rose

Illustrating again shoulders and neck
As images on the paper quietly deck
Further of the elbow, wrist and arms
Appeasing by their winsome charms

Dressing then into clothes that dazzle
Starting from shoulders till the ankle
Decorating still by pearls and jewels
To make resemblance just as angels

Again by the curves and manoeuvres
Other vivid parts also the pen covers
Proceeding on to legs ankles and feet
Quite perfect, and portrait’s complete

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Standing like the hard rock
Often at life trying to mock

With passions and emotion
Almost like wave of ocean
Attempting to hit and knock

Of which there’s ignorance
In the solitary flamboyance
As minds follows and stalk

Easy with sorrow and grief
Facing it with strong belief
Every time round the clock

Relations kept and deserted
And sentiment gets averted
These feeling seldom stalk

Even burnt of sun and rain
Doesn’t fret or gives strain
The vigor they can’t block

Along the wind and breeze
The might everyone envies
Up against plans they chalk

But in vain these efforts go
And immune to ally and foe
They can’t soothe or shock

It’s quite an inspiration too
Watching it stand through
And about its life all do talk

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Let us commence a new voyage
Trying that sorrows camouflage

Sailing through the heart within
Weaving joy with faith’s sequin

Wave of hardship hitting vessel
Being steadfast to prove mettle

Strongly holding on to the hull
When situation gloomy and dull

Fixing anchors in a strong way
A tough base where all plan lay

Steering smoothly with the mast
Across the seas and oceans vast

A journey close to the memory
Up against anxieties and worry

Experiencing life along the trip
As even fortunes rises and slip

Facing the storm and the tides
If trusts in self, success abides

Subtly cruising onto destination
Enlightening to true revelation

Saturday, September 5, 2009


When I’m in bed, I’m almost half dead
Hither and thither all the limbs spread

Sometimes I’m silent, at times I snore
The sleep of mine, I very dearly adore
For which I can even lie upon the floor
Against tensions, it’s the absolute cure
It’s a feeling almost terrific, very pure

Filled with innocence, it’s so harmless
Free of all the sorrows and happiness
Yet has calmness and peace in excess
A serenity that makes me feels lifeless
Again in its arms every being relaxes

It alleviates of the anxiety and worry
And how one falls into it is a mystery
To this statement every one will agree
Often it occurs when one feels weary
It’s priceless yet it comes almost free

I search for the opportunity to creep
On to the bed or on to it take a leap
Loosing myself into a slumber deep
Some sweet dreams I desire to keep
Finally I yearn for a good night sleep

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Thro’ ocean of emotions, rising high tides
After falling from the eyes, tenderly glides

Breaking away further into sobs and sighs
Again subliming too in the inherent skies
That brings tranquility yet at times chides

May be due to impact of sorrow and grief
Shedding of the stream, brings some relief
Even peace and calmness ensues besides

But can also erupt due to pleasure and joy
As laughter’s besieged by smile when coy
Passions travel as pleasure sails and rides

From the tributaries of the soul and heart
As one’s whole sentiments takes the part
With it again all the imaginations abides

Then the manner in which the infants cry
A way to communicate in which they try
Though then this shriek rapidly subsides

Further still, there are crocodile tears too
But then these feelings doesn’t hold true
Hope wisdom rightly judges and decides

So these tears may be of joy and sorrow
More in solitude, they chase and follow
Often the conflicting emotions coincides

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


By guessing upon the need of the hour
I find that its neither money nor power

In a effort to escape into the ignorance
Attempting to hide away my presence
Away from the whims and arrogance
Trying to suppress the subtle fragrance
Exhaled through the blossoming flower

Pursuing through the gardens to deserts
Counting strength, the inner will exerts
And often from ease, the desires averts
It is amazing how the insight converts
As own fortunes, it may burn and char

Again if this heat could melt the soul
One can search for the ultimate goal
But have to decide to carve out a role
Where with excitement, gleam enrol
In the sky of heart, shining like a star

And along with the moon and the sun
I think that the life would be great fun
But the time is short thus rush and run
And just don’t stop till the job is done
For if you hold on, the journey isn’t far

To ascertain direction right and wrong
You’ve to break away from the throng
Within your heart, try to feel the song
Finding the route to which you belong
Sensing blessing that’ll finally shower

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Glancing into the vibrant colors of the rainbow
Some vivid imaginations thro’ the insight flow
Along with the distant sounds in the heart echo
Traversing thro the soul making thoughts glow

While glimpsing on to the colors of the violet
Some what in its shade, even perceptions wet
Prompting to chase dreams for pleasure to get
A tryst of getting life into a perfect silhouette

Again my views fall on to the color of indigo
Creating waves just like that in the seas flow
The feels one get when the divine arcs show
Beneath it the heavens, the happiness bestow

Along with it, the sight gets to the color blue
Thro’ it diverse emotions in the hearts ensue
Getting over the false, standing with the true
The destinations of peace, the minds pursue

In the middle of the pattern is the color green
Its natural tint smears a view calm and serene
Crowning earth with the bow, into the queen
Such beauty is quite rare and almost unseen

Again when one looks at the color of yellow
It uplifts the spirits that run in waters shallow
And its brightness blushes one’s soul hallow
And in its direction, dreams chase and follow

There’s one more color and that’s this orange
As in the horizon, the view of sunset’s flange
Leaving behind in the mind feelings strange
Wishing that this revelation just never change

Finally the border is painted with color red
And in its smudge, all the sentiments spread
In its picturesque image, the thoughts tread
But its exact depiction isn’t written nor read