Thursday, April 30, 2009


I wish I could live like a leaf
Without happiness or grief

With my presence everywhere
Being utilized to purify the air
Making it suitable for breath
But not expecting any wreath
I’ve this quality since my birth
Being influenced by the earth
By a sense of selfless sacrifice
I wish all my efforts to rise
Towards nature to bring relief

I wish to help to quench thirst
Storing drops as clouds burst
Like the pearls on my surface
Shimmering to the light’s rays
Accumulating water beneath
So that ground doesn’t seethe
I just wish to have some worth
So as to help avoid the dearth
And live as hermit not as thief

I am the lifeline of the tree
But I don’t voice the decree
I prefer to be quiet and humble
Only making the gentle rustle
To gushing winds and breeze
En route peace I have the keys
Living life in a simple way
And not a descriptive essay
But by trying to keep it brief

I try adjusting with the thorns
Without complains or scorns
Being with the flower and bud
I’ve to finally fall to the mud
But every moment I rejoice
As my feelings I try to voice
Living the way I’m destined
My true value I wish to find
By being one of the common
And not an emperor or a chief

I have stood the tests of the time
As species vanish and sublime
My simplicity helps me survive
I’ll be here till doom will arrive
Even if I am destroyed and hurt
Its love and peace I always assert
Without me no thorns of flowers
But I don’t demonstrate powers
Live for nature and environment
Is my request, faith and belief

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Often through open eyes I get lost in abstracts
Plunging into vision that attracts and distracts

Finding myself submerged in absurd thoughts
Traversing beyond the boundaries and spots
Indulging again in encounter with the despots
Eventually trying to escape from ties and knots
By freeing myself from the deals and the pacts

With unnerving courage conquering desires
Dealing with emotion that suddenly backfires
Burning the heart and soul in enflaming pyres
In search of peace, my heart always inquires
Trying to know about the realities and facts

Assuming as if floating amid the earth and sky
Sometimes inculcating the desire to fly high
To reach for the moon and stars I wish to try
Fearing failures will make me grieve and cry
Trying to look for the right routes and tracts

The desires seem to change, wishes altercate
But not always your destiny depends on fate
Way to your aspiration your effort will create
Don’t let faith and determination dissociate
In order to succeed properly gather your acts

Neither be discouraged nor lose your hope
Even in most absurd situation there is scope
Often in difficulty, your nerve will envelope
Walking up is tougher than down the slope
Your real identity, the time and tide extracts

Friday, April 24, 2009


Here is "My First Blog Award"
And these lines are dedicated to Harman who sent me!
as to reach this reward, my heart adheres
finally here i have got my first blog award
which throughout my life i'll closely guard
i'll keep it close to my heart and my soul
assuming as if draped in quite a new role
with a feeling as if i've found all i wanted
and this left me dreaming and enchanted
its happiness all over me and i'm delighted
like being honoured as if being knighted
and suddenly i find myself short of words
hovering high in esctacy just like the birds
and its sincere emotion not my attitude
how can i forget to express my gratitude
to one close friend who made me proud
and now i wish to shout his name aloud
he's no other but my buddy Mr. Harman
sweet charming delightful young man
and well he is one of the tech savvy guy
who has answers to what how and why
and again he is a simple next door boy
whose company i bet you'll always enjoy
he too has that rare quality to express
emotions esctatic and feelings of distress
his thoughts on mother, nature and rain
i cand go on reading them again and again
he succeeds whenever he's put to test
and believe me here he's one of the best
what can i say, i really can't any more
this friendship with him i'll always adore
-----------To my friend Harman (hope you liked it buddy)
Now for the NOMINATIONS ! From my side two of them
* One is ofcourse Harman whose blog contains thoughts on subjects, which I too deeply feel
* Second is Deep Sahni, who had initiated creative writing quite beautifully, but has gone into hibernation, well may be this award can infuse the attraction towards writing again!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


The eerie atmosphere of the dark hour
Often enshrouded by shimmering star

The silence and stillness often ruptured
By sounds and songs of birds nurtured
Creating a music in rhythm amid hope
With tryst and efforts to find the scope
To spread smiles like blossoming flower

Thundering clouds along with lightening
Creating noises scary and frightening
Few sight look beyond for a silver lining
Convincing one self and fears confining
Strengthening hope as faith empower

Carrying the burden of loss and failures
In vain often seeking remedy and cures
And if you lose faith here you are dead
With strong determination move ahead
Indulging oneself in self revolt and war

There is an urge to come out victorious
In search of fame, desire to be glorious
But in sands of time, these gets buried
So not to get excited neither be worried
As often ambition is absurd and bizarre

There is suffering with wounds and pain
But just as rainbow appears after the rain
Sorrow and misery changes to happiness
To this truth everyone beholds witness
Love and affection fades away the scar

Night is submerged in the light of day
Grief and delight like pendulums sway
I earn to spend and I also gain to loose
This way of life I always wish to choose
With hope on me blessings will shower

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Either you may win or else you may loose
As this depends on the game you choose

And the results are not always permanent
Treating all your efforts as an experiment
You’ll have to try to notice the right clues

Day turns to night and night turns to day
Fortune and destiny always tends to sway
To sulk and grieve do not find an excuse

Why our efforts be justified to any other
Unnecessary anyone else should bother
And for me no need to create any issues

I’m what I am and I’m always on my own
To others favour I’m not ready nor prone
As for this my conscience never subdues

We are blinded by desires and ambition
By forgetting happiness’ actual definition
In vain to unworthy areas we try to cruise

As the real meaning of life lies in smiles
In search of which you need not go miles
Just satisfaction in self you have to infuse

Whatever I’ve gained here I’ve to return
And from my failures I will have to learn
As with sincere efforts success accrues

But even then if my effort goes in vain
I’ll neither sulk nor will I go an complain
Just wonder a bit and then I will amuse

My stay over here is a temporary phase
For this materialistic world, I’ve no craze
Its importance for me is not of much use

Not much expectation I have over here
Only to my own conscience I will adhere
With a final wish clear here all my dues

And till I live, I’ll live with an open heart
As this way to live life is quite a rare art
So try to smile and not to have the blues