Thursday, April 22, 2010


I’m someone, but then I may be anyone
Who among the mirage seek real image
So as to be able to focus on exact vision
Like finding apt word from the verbiage

That may be arcane and sesquipedalian
Defining me in an exiguity yet to edify
Thro’ a puerile manner to antediluvian
But sometime the wisdom may stultify

For like the dust my persona rises high
As the vociferous storms will burgeon
But settle down as breezes stop to fly
Burying down in the deepest dungeon

Yet manumitting self from captivation
Providing an arriviste to my character
Acquiescing along all of the allegation
And also exalting my skills as an actor

Vivifying the multifarious role offered
Yet often the paucity shadows the act
My part may be blamed or honoured
Of which present nescience is the fact

This life is desultory and sporadic too
But about it, I am left into a nescience
Maundering along, nothing to pursue
Only if there’s existence of prescience

Still life’s recondite and I’m insouciant
With a sense of plethora of rhapsody
Yet one’s self insight is predominant
But for myself, I’m always Mr. Nobody

Verbiage: excess of words
Arcane: understood by only few
Sesquipedalian: a long word which may have many syllables
Exiguity: brief
Edify: improve
Puerile: childish
Antediluvian: extremely old
Stultify: appearing in a foolish way
Vociferous: loud, noisy
Burgeon: grow rapid
Manumitting: fleeing from captivation
Acquiescing: accepting
Vivifying: enlivening
Multifarious: varied
Paucity: insufficiency
Desultory: aimless
Sporadic: random, instantaneous and erratic
Nescience: insufficient knowledge
Maundering: wandering aimlessly
Prescience: knowledge of events before they take place
Recondite: difficult to understand
Insouciant: indifferent, casual

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