Monday, January 10, 2011


Thinking of you now like never before
The feel of love seems more and more
Overwhelming emotions like high tide
And waves breaking beyond the shore

The thoughts burns like candles bright
Illuminating both the heart and souls
The light then reflect n’ refracts along
Playing to the ears the musical score

Creating sounds that exhibit serenity
Tuning the dreams and imaginations
Into an atmosphere of contentment
As from clouds of hope, smiles pour

Moistening all feelings that I possess
And also creating a sense of warmth
Evaporating the anxiety and worries
Exuding the care n’ affection in galore

A new acuity that earlier didn’t exist
With feeling as if being on cloud nine
Sailing through the winds of the dream
Which leads the identity to extempore


Roshani said...

I love your all poems. Again you write a beautiful poem "Thinking of you". This poem shows your spiritual love for someone :).
Thanks for the beautiful poem dear friend Nayeem.

precious jewel said...

great masterpiece!!seems that the subject tends to be as precious as jewel that makes the follower so strange and mysterious.. :)


thank you for the precious comment and its has a jewelled impact on my poem :)