Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Sometimes I am lost in the imagination
Along divine attraction and fascination

Decorating around with vibrant colours
In autumn, spring, winter and summers

Blooming and blossoming all through
Gently the beauty of world will accrue

Vibrant image of the stunning flowers
Soothing within even in the wee hours

For looking over magnolia and acacia
Almost loses into the wishful amnesia

Again the sight of begonia and zinnia
Interpret slowly in a celestial insignia

Viewing the lilies and the buttercups
With unquenched thirst and hiccups

Even seeing tulips and the daffodils
Budding around mountains and hills

Glancing at the dahlias and bluebells
About the divine art speaks and tells

Smell of the hibiscus and the jasmine
Soothes through the deep soul within

Then it is daisy and chrysanthemum
Creating again a picturesque rhythm

And never to miss the lotus and rose
On them are many poems and prose

Their silent splendors and fragrance
Smears and portrays heart and sense

But again they shouldn’t be plucked
And in bouquets must not be tucked

Let them live in trees and the plants
With their simple desires and wants

And just as the sun, moon and stars
Similarly is the significance of flowers


Roshani said...

तुम्हारे इस गीत से मुझे
माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी की यह रचना याद आ रही है
"पुष्प की अभिलाषा"

चाह नहीं मैं सुरबाला के,
गहनों में गूँथा जाऊँ,

चाह नहीं प्रेमी-माला में,
बिंध प्यारी को ललचाऊँ,

चाह नहीं, सम्राटों के शव,
पर, हे हरि, डाला जाऊँ

चाह नहीं, देवों के शिर पर,
चढ़ूँ भाग्य पर इठलाऊँ!

मुझे तोड़ लेना वनमाली!
उस पथ पर देना तुम फेंक,

मातृभूमि पर शीश चढ़ाने
जिस पथ जाएँ वीर अनेक।
bahut mehnat ki hai nayeem aapne is post par
har flowers ke bare me jaan kar use vyakhya ki hai wah kabile tariff hai.
bahut hi badiya kikha hai aapne un fulon ki taswir bhi hoti to aur aanand aa jata.

Mohammad Nayeem said...

Thank you Roshani, I read this poem of Chaturvedi Ji in my school and the poem gives the message through the desire of flowers that it only craves to lie down on the path of the martyrs who are on their way to do or die for the sake of their country