Thursday, March 12, 2009


What is the actual measure of our success?
Let us debate on this and let us now discuss
Is it by having money and power in excess?
Or just able to enjoy peace and happiness

Money often seems only to make us worry
To accumulate it we are always in a hurry
The thirst for power brings about tensions
That leads us to uncomfortable situations
And we should try to avoid this weakness

But the quest for happiness brings us calm
With a feel as if the world rests in our palm
Giving an opportunity to pursue satisfaction
As success is achieved by justified action
To which we can always proudly confess

Too much of wealth will get you confused
With unchecked power, pride gets induced
These are ingredients for one’s downfall
And along with them misfortunes befall
As there isn’t any end to one’s selfishness

Follow contentment avoiding resentment
Don not envy neither other’s sentiment
Be humble and polite don’t hold the pride
Don’t let temptations to take you for a ride
Or else you will find yourself in a mess

So make your efforts in right direction
Look into your self for self realization
Spread around love, humanity and care
True pleasure lies in sacrifice and share
Real success is good health and wellness

1 comment:

The Light of Darkness said...

woooow . nice thought , it has few quantity in human's world but this will make huge.... thank you you are sharing your thoughts.