Thursday, October 2, 2008


He was the man with the mission
Who stood firm on his decision

He also has marked his presence
Following the path of nonviolence
He also tried to fast unto death
He was strong by soul and breath
And clear about his aim and vision

Quite a simple life he had followed
Others sorrows he often borrowed
Sacrificed himself for other’s good
And in worst situations he stood
Dealing with purpose and precision

With a stick which he used to walk
There was some magic in his talk
As all the audience were spell bound
Hearing his speech on the ground
Not to move without his permission

He was a man with rare abilities
No one can question his capabilities
He stood against the British Empire
And faced their anger and their ire
And finally forced their submission

And with my words you will agree
That he only made my country free
Gifted us freedom and independence
He had courage and bravery immense
He is truth, which seems an illusion

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