Friday, September 5, 2008


damn may the poet and not the poetry
who just writes jittery and glittery
but doesn't address the social issues
and never cries nor ask for tissues
to wipe out tears which his eyes shed
when people starve for sake of bread
and hunger and malnutrition prevail
and human slaves are put up for sale
water is scarce to quench the thirst
epidemics and famines often outburst
when people make fun of poor and weak
further exploits the feeble and meek
and often destruct and also destroy
and while pursuing this always enjoy
little they care as to what they do
follow the false and reject the true
harming nature bringing the world's end
by their misdeeds so much they offend
kill and massacre in the name religion
why is this discrimination and division
racial, regional and also economical
it's high time to get rid of this evil
that's the corruption and also bribery
as it is also the root cause of misery

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